Laser Lipo

Laser Lipo

Laser Lipo (lipolysis) delivers natural, gradual shaping, slimming results in the liquefaction of fats. These treatments work by destroying the membranes of the fat cells and then the liquefied fat is drained through your lymphatic system as it flushes the damaged fat cells from your body in the days and weeks following your treatment.

Laser Lipo (lipólisis) brinda resultados naturales y graduales de modelado y adelgazamiento mediante la licuefacción de las grasas. Luego, la grasa licuada se drena a través del sistema linfático mientras elimina las células grasas dañadas de su cuerpo en los días y semanas posteriores al tratamiento.

BellaFit Body Contour LLC
12833 E 41st Street, Ste 3
Tulsa, OK 74146
(918) 206-8804 (Text WhatsApp)


Inside Segreta Skin Studio
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