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Apple BeneFIT | MacaFem Plus 600mg Capsules

Apple BeneFIT | MacaFem Plus 600mg Capsules

Regular price $65.99
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Benefits of MacaFem Plus:

  • Treats hormonal overweight.
  • Calms hunger due to stress.
  • Absolute control of appetite.
  • Lose weight without losing your attributes.

Beneficios de MacaFem Plus:

  • Trata el sobrepeso hormonal.
  • Calma el hambre por estrés.
  • Control absoluto del apetito.
  • Pierde peso sin perder tus atributos.

Suggested Use: One capsule a day 40 minutes before breakfast.

Uso sugerido: Una cápsula al día 40 minutos antes del desayuno.

Ingredients: White Sweet Potato, Peruvian Maca, Fenugreek Seed, Fennel Seed, Aguaje, L-Arginine, Green Coffee and Creatine.

Ingredientes: Boniato Blanco, Maca Peruana, Semilla de Fenogreco, Semilla de Hinojo, Aguaje, L-Arginina, Café Verde y Creatina.


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